Clean code is every developers dream, but getting the can often lead to wasted time obsessing over changes or arguing over code style in a pull request. Instead, we can use a linter and formatter, which will give us our clean code nirvana, with a simple command. Let’s see how with Biome. What is a...
Have you ever used the Wayback Machine from the Web Archive? It’s an incredible tool that lets you access past versions of a website as a snapshot in history, complete with actual HTML, images, and more. In this tutorial, we’re going to build our own website archive that uses GitHub Actions to automatically take a...
GitHub Actions are a great way to automate our daily code tasks, but what about that report you have to generate every day for your boss’s boss? How can we use GitHub actions and cron to generate and email a daily report? What are GitHub Actions? GitHub Actions are configurable tasks that run a set...
GitHub Actions are a powerful tool to automate all kinds of tasks in your workflow. While there are a ton of options available on the Marketplace, those existing Actions might not fit your use case or infrastructure. How can we write our own GitHub Action to automate our project’s tasks? What are GitHub Actions? GitHub...
Automation is a powerful tool. It both saves us time and can help reduce human error. But automation can be tough and can sometimes prove to be costly. How can Github Actions help harden our code and give us more time to work on features instead of bugs? What are Github Actions? Actions are a relatively...